
Twice monthly podcast discussing superheroes in
film, television, comics and pop culture!

Weekly podcast dedicated to the ABC series
Agents of SHIELD

Weekly podcast dedicated to the CW series
The Flash |

Weekly podcast dedicated to the CW series
Arrow (retired)

Weekly podcast dedicated to the ABC series
Inhumans (retired)

The Longest running Star Wars literature podcast
in the galaxy!

Scouting out the filming locations from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, from Iron Man to Avengers: Endgame, and beyond!

Looking at iconic, fun, and genre-defining science-fiction films from 1950 to the present.

Horror film reviews every day for the month of October! |

Cinemanalysis: The Untouchables

An interesting visit to the LucasFilm Archives!
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Check out an Index to every Star Wars comic out there
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A Who's Who to the occupants of Jabba's skiffs on Tatooine from Return of the Jedi
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Check out the interesting assortment of amazing infographics for and about Comic Books.
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A chronological listing of Film and Television series based on
Comic Books by Marvel, DC, & Dark Horse!
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Comprehensive listing of all edits, recuts and new footage in the
1997 Star Wars Special Edition!
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Explore the chronological history of fandoms newest bad guy, General
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Visual Comparison between an episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Clone Wars movie.
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